Do you own a
leasehold flat?

Could you be one of hundreds of thousands overcharged for insurance?

Did your landlord make money from your building insurance without telling you?

Learn More Join The Claim

Taking Action.

Leaseholder Action is pursuing landlords and insurance brokers for secret commissions. These commissions were added to your buildings and terrorism insurance without your knowledge. Leaseholders like you may be collectively out of pocket to the tune of millions of pounds.


News Round Up 25/07/2024

This is a news roundup of all articles relating to the Leaseholder Action, highlighting key developments and updates in the case. Stay informed about the latest legal proceedings, stakeholder responses, and potential impacts on leaseholders. 

... News and Update

Liam Spender BBC interview

Liam Spender on BBC Breakfast discusses Leaseholder Action and the issues affecting millions of leaseholders across England and Wales.

... Roundup

News Round Up 24/07/2024

This is a news roundup of all articles relating to the Leaseholder Action, highlighting key developments and updates in the case. Stay informed about the latest legal proceedings, stakeholder responses, and potential impacts on leaseholders.


BBC Radio 4 Interview

BBC Radio 4, host Justin Webb dives into the topic affecting millions of leaseholders across England and Wales with Liam Spender.


‘Freeloading’ freeholders face claims for millions in ‘national scandal’ of hidden commissions on buildings insurance.

Official Press Release: Law firm Velitor has secured funding from Balance Legal Capital LLP for leasehold homeowners to bring a no win, no fee claim against wealthy freeholders and insurance brokers for unlawfully charging hidden commissions on building insurance premiums for years. 

... News and Update

Gove's Call for Transparency and Fairness in Leasehold Insurance

Michael Gove expresses outrage over findings regarding broker remuneration in multi-occupancy residential buildings insurance.

... News and Update

Property Industry Eye Article About FCA Legislation

An article from Property Industry Eye discusses concerns among managing agents regarding new Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) legislation on leasehold buildings insurance.

... News and Update

FCA Multi-Occupancy Buildings Insurance Review

The FCA's review on multi-occupancy buildings insurance broker remuneration highlights significant issues in the industry. Key findings include evidence of high commission rates and practices not aligned with fair value for customers.


News Round Up 25/07/2024

This is a news roundup of all articles relating to the Leaseholder Action, highlighting key developments and updates in the case. Stay informed about the latest legal proceedings, stakeholder responses, and potential impacts on leaseholders. 

... News and Update

Liam Spender BBC interview

Liam Spender on BBC Breakfast discusses Leaseholder Action and the issues affecting millions of leaseholders across England and Wales.

... Roundup

News Round Up 24/07/2024

This is a news roundup of all articles relating to the Leaseholder Action, highlighting key developments and updates in the case. Stay informed about the latest legal proceedings, stakeholder responses, and potential impacts on leaseholders.

Fair Building Insurance For Leaseholders

Leaseholders in multi-occupancy buildings in England and Wales are usually obliged to pay for building insurance through their service charges, or sometimes via a separate payment to their landlord or landlord's broker.

Many of these insurance premiums may include hidden commissions paid to landlords and their insurance brokers. These commissions are added to the cost of insurance and paid for by leaseholders like you.

We believe that little, if any, value is given in exchange for these commissions.

How Does This Claim Help Me?

If the landlord, or insurance broker that deals with your leasehold property is complicit in arranging or receiving secret commissions, you may have the right to seek a refund of those commissions, and/or damages. 

Depending on how long you have owned your flat and the extent of the commissions, you may be entitled to thousands of pounds. 

You may be able to claim for any flat you currently own, or have owned, in England and Wales between 1 January 1997 and now. 

What Next, How Do I Join The Claim?

To sign up to the claim please follow this link. This is on a 'no win, no fee' basis and shall be brought by Leaseholder Action. Once registered, expect email updates on the progress of the claim. 

Who Is Involved?

Velitor Law and Balance Legal Capital are partnering to support leaseholders in their quest for justice. 

Velitor Law is a specialist boutique law firm, with experience handling high-profile and high-value cases. We have experience in assisting clients in seeking justice and recourse against seemingly insurmountable institutions, and a track record of representing individuals in high-profile, multiparty cases. 

Balance Legal Capital is a leading litigation fund manager based in London, with expertise in providing financing for commercial disputes and class actions. Balance is proud to provide the financial support to enable consumers to access the courts and obtain redress from corporations who have wronged them. 

Balance Legal Capital is a funder member of the Association of Litigation Funders (ALF), the body responsible for the self-regulation of litigation funding in England and Wales.

Frequently Asked

For a full list of frequently asked questions about the claim please visit the FAQ Page 

The claim seeks to recover commission payments shared between landlords and their insurance brokers without the leaseholders’ knowledge. These commissions are included within the insurance premiums for buildings and terrorism insurance. These commissions are paid for by leaseholders, all wrapped up inside the service charges that you have been paying.

Since the late 1990s, large landlords and brokers have added these commissions on to insurance premiums. In a 2023 report, the Financial Conduct Authority found that commissions ranged between 10% and as much as 60%.  

The Financial Conduct Authority also found that most insurance brokers could not justify the level of the commissions charged for the amount of work done in relation to the insurance.

In most cases, insurance brokers have assisted landlords in a breach of trust by including excessive commissions in the insurance premium. Landlords and brokers were not entitled to receive these profits from leaseholder funds without leaseholders’ informed consent to the charges before placing the insurance.

In the rare cases where landlords have disclosed these commissions, the disclosure has been only after the fact.  In most cases the disclosure is partial or inaccurate.

You are likely to have been affected if : (i) you live in a flat you own (with or without a mortgage), (ii) you pay for insurance via your service charge (or make a separate payment to your landlord or your landlord's broker) and, (iii) your building is not owned or managed by the people who live in it. If these three criteria apply to you, you may be eligible to join the claim.

In some buildings where leaseholders are in charge of management, it may be that they still do not control the placement of insurance.

No. We will ask target landlords for these details on your behalf. 

If the claim succeeds, leaseholders could receive between £1,500 and £3,500 each in compensation.  

The precise amount will depend on the sort of building you live in, how long you have lived there, the extent of the secret commissions, whether we can claim interest and the period for which we are able to claim.

See the sign up page.

Velitor Law is proud to support this claim on behalf of leaseholders against landlords and insurance brokers. 

Insurance Commission - The Facts

"Despite the large amounts of commission often being paid to other parties, most brokers in the sample did not provide appropriate evidence of the work they had done to assess the value being delivered by these parties. In many cases, including firms paying 50% or more of commission to another party, all that was provided was a generic or cursory list of the types of activities potentially performed by the party. These lists lacked specificity or any meaningful comparison to the level of commission being paid across to this party.”

“Given the amounts of commission involved, we were concerned by the often-limited consideration or evidencing of the work being done by other parties.”

Findings in the Financial Conduct Authority’s April 2023 review on insurance commissions paid for multi-occupied buildings during 2019-2022.

More than 26,000

Building insurance policies analysed by the Financial Conduct Authority in preparing its 2023 report.

£159.4 million

The Financial Conduct Authority found in its sample that insurance brokers had received £159.4 million in commission on this type of insurance between 2019-2022. This money came from service charges paid by leaseholders like you.

£80 million

Amount of commission paid by brokers to landlords and property managing agents during 2019-2022 in the Financial Conduct Authority’s sample. This money came from service charges paid by leaseholders like you.

3.3 million

Privately owned leasehold flats in England and Wales in 2021-2022, according to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities May 2023 estimate.

£1.6 million

Charged to leaseholders in hidden insurance commissions at just one building in London between 2010 and 2020.


Increase in multi-occupancy buildings insurance commission between 2019 and 2022, according to the Financial Conduct Authority's April 2023 report.

Join the claim against leasehold insurance overcharging

Take action now and join the claim to protect your rights
as a leaseholder.

Join The Claim